Programming to me, at it’s most fundamental level, is you telling the hunk of metal to do something in a logical way. It will do no more, and certainly no less, than what you tell it to do.
- Algorithm Thinking: Basic introduction to algorithm design and analysis, focusing on problem-solving and logical thinking.
Every single programming language uses these concepts. This means you only have to learn the syntax for that specific language.
- Variables and Data Types: The basics of storing data in variables and the different types of data (like integers, strings, etc.).
- Operators: Arithmetic, logical, and comparison operators used for calculations and decision-making.
- Conditionals: Using ‘if’, ‘else’, and ‘switch’ statements to execute code based on certain conditions.
- Loops: ‘for’, ‘while’, and ‘do-while’ loops for repeating code blocks.
- Functions/Methods: Writing reusable code blocks, understanding parameters and return values.
- Arrays and Lists: Storing and manipulating a collection of data.
- Basic Input/Output: How to take input from the user and display output.
- Error Handling: Basic concepts of catching and handling errors.
- Commenting and Documentation: Writing clear comments and understanding the importance of documentation.
Next Level
- Data Structures: Understanding basic data structures like stacks, queues, linked lists, and trees.
- Object-Oriented Concepts: Introduction to objects, classes, and inheritance (in languages that support OOP).